The Covid(-19) Conference

June 2024

Welcome daily subscribers and newly come readers!

It has come to my ( well, everyone’s) attention that a worldwide pandemic has swept every inch of the world, digging its claws into every continent. Now as a publisher this drastically has an effect on me because what am I going to publish? This “talk show-type-format” crossed my mind like a half blind man trying to find his contacts in a tornado: it took me a while. Before I have some trusted colleagues talk to me about my experiences. We have to view the facts about Covid-19:

How to avoid Covid-19 and what are the symptoms?

During quarantine, the only way to leave your living establishment is for groceries. The biggest regulation for leaving your house would be to wear_A_MASK. Since it spreads from an infected person breaths out onto something; it can travel up to 27 feet. But you don’t have to be super cautions, the viruses strain is too heavy to stay airborne so the germs will land on the ground or on somebodies cloths. This brings up the also very important fact that you will need gloves when leaving your house. Any gloves that cover your hands will be, preferably, non reusable and covers your whole hand. After picking up the items needed back at home Leave the store and DON’T GET IN YOUR CAR WITH THE SAME GLOVES! I watched a person get into their car and drive away with the same dirty gloves🤢, that gets rid of the whole purpose of using them. When all this is over maybe some sport activities will open up again, there is talk of sports re opening in the fall. Though some of us will be out of practice.

The symptoms of Covid-19 start from 2-14 days after being infected according to CDC. So you might have spread the disease through your household before symptoms start and your health starts declining🤧. Not to scare anyone who has Nosophobia, but the symptoms include: Fever, dry, continues cough, tiredness and (extreme symptoms) nasal pains and aches, runny nose due to fever, sore throat due to cough and diarrhea.

Questions and conversations

I have located colleagues to help us understand what their life is like due to this pandemic and I will also have a conversation with one of them to see how we think things will happen.

I, Dr. Avery will ask the questions (Q) about their life and Mrs. Ochoa, Director of the PFT Union for schools, will answer (A).

(Q) Do you think stress from working at home has effected interactions with your co-workers?

(A) I think working from home has helped me to be more elaborate with them because I’m not always sitting with them due to the Zombie Apocalypses

(Q) How has Covid-19 effected your Businesses/work?

(A) A large part of My job is interacting with teachers and district staff and It’s just more complicated when things are scheduled remotely with online tools.

(Q) So do you think that Technology has made it harder to interact and work because of the changes?

(A) Uhh… It hasn’t made it “harder”, but it’s caused me to interact with them differently.

(Q) Well thank you!

(A) You’re welcome. Got all you need?

(Q) Yes

How to get children off Technology

By Dr. Avery Ochoa

By the time a phone was decent and started captivating children, Google was invented in September 4, 1998.

As time went on people averaged that in a day people spent over 4 hours on their phone; of course people didn’t panic: they were at awe at this tiny invention.

Then a study in 2015 released their opinion on the cause and they said that staring at your screen will cause eye damage and eye strain. It publicly comments, “Eye strain from hours of screen time can result in eye irritation, dryness, fatigue or blurred vision, and such problems are increasingly common, according to a new report. “Some of us are using these things for up to nine hours a day. “

But getting your own child off devices is a different story. Depending on how old your child is (or how rebellious) should determine how much time they spend on technology. I (the writer) am not saying technology should be banned due to a single child who gets headaches every time they get on technology, that is the problem of the parents. I say that technology should (as it will) improve and continue to help people like the company  Surgical Theater. I have a 2-year old cousin, who has been using technology like you and I since he could crawl. Since then he knows how to control the TV, and get food out of the fridge. Here is where the problems begin. An average child (ages 3-12) use about 2 hours and 19 minutes on screen media according to PBS Kids For Parents. College Student Riayn Harris, quotes “I feel, as technology gets better and progresses, just like anything there should be a limit on screen time for kids under the age of 16. For older kids, teenagers, they will most likely end up doing whatever they’re not supposed to be doing anyway, so maybe the rules should be lifted a tad for them.” This is why sometimes it depends on how rebellious your kid is because it is likely that when teens are told to not be on technology they will probably find a way to be on it. This list below will tell you how to enable settings on devices to limit screen time:

Kindle Fire 1. In the apps on the Kindle find and select FreeTime ( app has figure of a dark blue child with orange kite) and go to time limit (For some you might have to pay a $2.99 fee before you select the time). Find an appropriate time for your child. Hand it back like nothing happened.

Apple i-phone and i-pad 2. Enable the screen Time menu. An option will be Limits, tap it and it will bring up a category screen. There you will find the option to limit use of devise or just certain apps. Give it back like nothing happened

Chromebook 3. Open the Family Link app on YOUR account and select the child’s account/name. Open the daily limit card, find and select edit Limits. Once created the new time, hand it back and act like nothing happened

Samsung Phone 4. On the Home screen, tap on Connections and find Data Usage. Then go to Settings and switch on Set Data Limit. Set an appropriate time and put it down as if nothing happened

If this doesn’t work, and your child does not adjust to the limit on technology; ergo, they still want to be on technology 24/7, maybe it’s physiological. It just may be that your kid uses technology more than anything else it may be because you don’t spend time with them, for a kid, anything that conceals boredom becomes the new hobby. If you decide to take away technology completely, combat that with a fun family activity, I’m just suggesting that maybe go up to your kid, and get to know them on a personal level, maybe take them to a baseball game. Or have them take a walk along the beach.

Contact me for any new suggestions. 🙂

#An Existence Within Water

An existence within water: Aliens

By  Dr. Avery Ochoa

Imagine a desolate landscape. The peacefully quiet but eerie sound of water fills you ears as this otherworldly landscape begins to change. This was Earth, lifeless and dark, well, nearly lifeless, micro-life evolved in the water. Earth continued like this for many billions of years, even before the dinosaurs’ 66 million year rule. Throughout life in the modern age animals have certainly changed from what animals looked like 3.5 billion years ago when everything started on that desolate landscape. If life could happen here then why not on a planet light years away under the ice? Beneath the ice could be strange or scary, it could be an existence within water. It could be Aliens

Aliens under the Ice

One of the nations most argued topic; do aliens exist? Nobody may know the answer but somewhere, on a distant planet, could lay the answer, such as on planets with an ice covered top. Underneath all that ice is water! Water is a key component to life because it can be mixed with other elements/chemicals. According to “ Past research has said that these so-called “water worlds” could be unfriendly to life because they would not allow for mineral and gas cycling that stabilizes the climate on Earth. A new study, however, counters that ocean planets could sustain habitability for quite a long time after formation, although how long depends on the individual planet. Scientists have found thousands of exoplanets in the past two decades, with a good percentage of them being rocky and in the “habitable zone of their parent stars — where water could exist on the planet’s surface.” Humans know of a planet that this article is describing, it’s an ice covered planet with a watery inside: Uranus. It is the seventh planet from the sun and it’s diameter is 4 times of Earths’. So like sea creatures, aliens might of evolved in water, but if you go explore the vast emptiness of space and wander into Uranus, don’t expect “intelligent life forms” confidently striding across the surface. Recently, people are suggesting that aliens could live somewhere other than water.


Uranus and other Planets

Uranus is 1.98 billion miles from Earth, and currently nobody is observing a seemingly lifeless planet that reaches -224 celsius. So for now this “lifeless” planet is unexplored, but then again so are all the other planets that hang suspensefully in the vast, dark, void of space. Recent studies might conclude that “aliens” might thrive on places other than water-worlds. An online article called Inside Science, comments, “A new study suggests also looking for “bioessential” elements when searching for alien life. When it comes to looking for alien life, scientists mostly focus on where there is water. Now researchers suggest that looking at “bioessential” elements such as Phosphorus and Molybdenum could help judge a world’s potential for life. For example, although the surface of Venus is currently hot enough to melt lead, a 2016 study suggested it may have been habitable until as recently as 715 million years ago. Scientists have even conjectured that if life once existed on Venus, it still might survive within its clouds.” Earth can sustain life because of its key elements, for example nitrogen. But other elements such as RNA are also needed. RNA is a nucleic acid that dwells within cells in your body. It works with DNA (DNA are the micro-small strands of protein in your blood) to carry out “micro-nutrients” through your body. Though this may seem like a science fiction movie, you have to understand that nobody really understands the universe and this is the most straightforward as it comes.


The knowledge that humans don’t have clear acess to is visible within the starry night sky; space. So many questions are raised just by looking up, for example moonbows. Moonbows are currently located at Yosemite National Park and it’s when a dim rainbow light appears from the lunar  surface at a night. Just that raises questions! Planets that could possibly hold life are Mars, Uranus and even Pluto but only one planet that we for sure know holds life is Earth. Earth’s ocean covers 71% on the planet itself so we don’t have to walk far to find life, but we need an answer: Does life exist beyond the Solar System? People are suggesting Exoplanets as planets suitable for life. These planets are similar to Mars or (or other planets) that go around their own “sun”. Almost like another Earth. An author and geophysicist at the University of Chicago says, “This really pushes back against the idea you need an Earth clone — that is, a planet with some land and a shallow ocean,” According to “The new research, based on more than 1,000 simulations of exoplanets under formation, suggests that water worlds could be habitable if they meet certain conditions, researchers said in the statement. Specifically, these planets would need to have a certain amount of carbon — the element on which Earth’s life is based. The exoplanet would need a lot of water early in its formation, and the ability to cycle carbon between the atmosphere and the ocean to stabilize the system. 

Also, the exoplanet crust would need to maintain its original elements and minerals, instead of having those minerals and elements dissolve in the ocean and pull out the carbon in the atmosphere.” It is very probable, that aliens could exist.

Of all the mysteries in the U.S.A, aliens are probably the most researched. Though wherever you are it is unlikely to conjure the correct answer about aliens, we can still enjoy the suspenseful question that hangs in space and the films that are constantly released in the theater. But maybe, somewhere far, could be life beyond a reasonable doubt, somewhere, under ice, could be An Existence Within Water.


Foust, Jeff, et al. “Space.”, Space Created with Sketch. Space,

“Inside Science.” Inside Science, 29 Mar. 2019,

[Thank you for listening, I wrote this a while back but this is the first time my writing has gone public, thank you] 🙂

Asgard’s Wrath



Asgard’s Wrath

I’m not honestly obsessed with “Hello Neighbor” I also love the PS4 and more recently, the Oculus Rift.

I’m Here to discus “Asgard’s Wrath”

For all you post-vikings out there here’s a game for you!

This soon to be released game is all over the Internet, the anticipation and wait for this is insane. On a website called “Asgard’s Wrath — How Sanzaru is crafting a 30-hour Norse Saga game in VR” says”


Asgard’s Wrath is one of the full triple-A games in the works for the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset. The Oculus Studios game is a sword-fighting action adventure title set in the universe of Norse mythology.

Mat Kraemer, creative director at developer Sanzaru Games, said the VR title has more than 30 hours of gameplay, anchored by physics-based sword combat with a layering of role-playing game elements.

The game is coming this fall from Oculus Studios and Sanzaru Games to the Oculus Rift and Rift S headsets. I played a demo of a level where I was able to switch between human and god forms to solve various puzzles. Then I interviewed Kraemer about the making of the game, which comes after Sanzaru’s previous title, Marvel Powers United VR.”

I’m Proud to present the Official Trailer…

Late Start Middle School(my first post)

Late Start Middle School
Students all across the Globe should feel the freedom of waiting in there house for school to start. “Late Starts are proof that God Loves us” 
It’s true. Late starts will demote the anxiety that parents have to take their child to school and then drive themselves to work, that way, you have time to sneak into peoples houses (See video above). Late starts should be more frequent in the U.S.A and in Middle Schools especially. According to a website called “Schools Start Too Early | Features | CDC”, young adults might have trouble sleeping after a long day of school and only 2 hours to study for a Math test, read 20 minutes, finish science homework and do it all before going to spots practice. 
The website comments, “One of the reasons adolescents do not get enough sleep is early school start times. The American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that middle and high schools start at 8:30 a.m. or later to give students the opportunity to get the amount of sleep they need, but most American adolescents start school too early.”

Another website titled “neaToday” stats, “Starting school later allows adolescents to get more sleep, thus improving student’s physical and mental health, attendance, and academic performance, according to new research published by Science Advances.

Adolescents are recommended to get nine hours of sleep a night, but a number of external factors – including interrupted sleep from academic responsibilities and light-emitting devices – has degraded sleep quality and length so that students are only getting about 6 hours and 50 minutes of sleep per night. And because teens don’t produce melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone, until later in the night, merely going to bed earlier isn’t really helping.”